How Better Tech Could Protect Us From Distraction Tristan Harris - Скачать mp3 бесплатно

How Better Tech Could Protect Us From Distraction Tristan Harris.mp3

14:56 34.2 МБ 297,821

How A Handful Of Tech Companies Control Billions Of Minds Every Day Tristan Harris.mp3

17:01 38.9 МБ 954,611

How Better Tech Could Protect Us From Distraction Tristan Harris.mp3

14:56 34.2 МБ 8

Tristan Harris Why Better Tech Could Prevent Us From Distraction TED.mp3

07:06 16.3 МБ 128

How To Save Your Attention Span With Tristan Harris.mp3

04:44 10.8 МБ 3,861

Tristan Harris From The Social Dilemma On How We Can Design Better Tech.mp3

04:08 9.5 МБ 147

Can Truth Survive Big Tech Tristan Harris.mp3

01:02:49 143.8 МБ 43,565

Silicon Valley Insider Sounds Alarm On How Tech Is Downgrading Humans.mp3

04:54 11.2 МБ 65,492

78 Academic Words Ref From Tristan Harris How Better Tech Could Protect Us From Distraction TED.mp3

40:16 92.2 МБ 13

How Better Tech Could Protect Us From Distraction Tristan Harris No TED.mp3

14:56 34.2 МБ 42

The Fundamental Problem Tristan Harris.mp3

48 1.8 МБ 883

A Path To Humane Technology With Tristan Harris.mp3

01:32:58 212.8 МБ 12,451

Comentando El TED Talk How Better Tech Could Protect Us From Distraction De Tristan Harris.mp3

02:27 5.6 МБ 1

Tristan Harris Explains How Social Media Hijacks Our Brain.mp3

43:00 98.4 МБ 8,083

17 Advanced Academic Words Ref From How Better Tech Could Protect Us From Distraction TED Talk.mp3

10:15 23.5 МБ 9

A New Paradigm For Technology Tristan Harris Jack Kornfield.mp3

20:05 46 МБ 3,169

How Tech Uses Unethical Tricks To Addict Us Pt 1 Tristan Harris TECH Rubin Report.mp3

23:45 54.4 МБ 66,230

Can Social Media Be Better For Society Tucker Carlson Interviews Tristan Harris 20190521.mp3

05:41 13 МБ 684

Leaps Talk 5 Tristan Harris Disinformation And The Ethics Of Technological Progress TRAILER.mp3

01:58 4.5 МБ 576,553

Why We Need Humane Technology.mp3

43:53 100.4 МБ 30,561